Ep 6: Quest for Mind Mapping a Brain Literacy with Dharmendra Rai - 1st Mumbai Mind Map Trainer Part 1
Dharmendra Rai - magnificent personality Mumbai's First Mind Map Trainer, who has Trained over 1,900 startups in Mind Mapping. Executives of Many Fortune 500 Cos a other giant companies like Google, Unilever, Johnson a Johnson and many more have gone thru his Seminars. Comes with 25 Years of Work Experience in Training, Sales a Marketing, and has conducted training a coaching for people across the globe. He has appeared on prominent media like CNBC, BTVi, Times Of India ( TOI), Channel V and many other. He has been A TED x Speaker Not Just Once But 5 TIMES. He also gave rise to over 8 Million Reference Pages on Google and what more he has been declared a " Genius " by Tony Buzan - Mind Map Inventor a Nobel Prize Nominee! Again Ranked # 1 in an International Creativity Test by Tony Buzan a Chris Griffiths, and lastly has conducted 360+ Mind Map Seminars - Probably A WORLD RECORD! Few questions I ask Dharmendra Rai on Mind Maps and its applications and how we can do better with a Mind Map. is as follows: Time Stamps: 4:05 to 53:04 A little background about Dharmendra and how he had an amazing journey in his career from the financial background into sales a Marketing and ..and now only in training and that too specialization in Mind Map? 4:05 His profile as a master practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming; How did NLP influence him to get into the Mind Map program? 7:00 Can you help my listeners understand about Mind Map - maybe you want to share its definition, meaning or whatever makes my listeners know what it’s all about? 8:13 I want my listeners to understand and benefit knowing about Mind map, hence I thought that I will shoot you 5w's and 1 H technique as I'm keen to gather all the required information on the Mind map. Why Mind Map? 9:45 What can I use Mind Maps for? 16:40 Who created mind mapping? 17:43 When can I use mind maps? What are the techniques used in the Mind map? 20:40 Are there any advantage or benefits of mind mapping? Where can you source the right methodology of the Mind map? 26:00 When would we be able to use this...I mean when can we start using it (is there a limit on the age or any prerequisite) Can you help my listeners understand how to use the mind map to unleash our potential? 29:55 Is there a connection with heart and soul in mind mapping? 33:10 Are Mind maps effective…do you want to share any story where your participants have used it effectively? 38:01 what is best mind mapping example and are there any software or app? 44:31 Would this help arrange our thoughts in order or logical? As when the idea strikes there are loads of input coming and structuring is important and to achieve their goals? 45:13 This is not the end! Our conversation continues on the Quest for Mind Mapping a Brain Literacy as a Part 2 episode and and we will deep dive on the approach which Dharmendra has taken and how he has transformed connecting with great leaders through the Mind Map Journey. Resources mentioned in this episode: The Mind Map Book by Tony Buzan How to Win Friends and Influence by Dale Carnegie How to have a better memory Trump: The art of deal by Donald Trump Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer Lateral Thinking by Edward De Bono Connect with Dharmendra Rai @ Facebook LinkedIn We love your recommendations! If you have any recommendation on the topic you like us to cover or any leaders who you want me to interview…Please drop a line in the comment section. Please visit www.prajvitaknowledge.com/podcast for complete show notes of this episode. For questions, comments and guest suggestions, contact the host, Jyothi G at LinkedIn or email @ prajvitapro@gmail.com Like us? Rate a Review us! Please do show us your love by subscribing to this channel in iTunes, or any other podcast platforms and do add it your favorite’s list! Also, your feedback is definitely a feedforward a your rating help us build more credibility and attract new listeners. Hence please leave your comment and review as this will definitely ease me to keep making these shows better for you : ) Follow the Stars of Learning on Facebook Twitter Instagram