Piston vs. Turbine: The Cost Efficiency Showdown with Dan Spray
In this episode of The Malibu Guru Podcast, Joe Casey and Dan Spray compare piston vs. turbine engines in the PA-46. They discuss turbine advantages, business efficiency, and how flying enhances skills and family connections. Tune in to discover which engine is more cost-effective!
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Learn more about Dan's business: https://myprecisionit.com/
Connect with Dan! https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan-spray-173a5b7/
Visit our New Aircraft Maintenance Website: https://www.caseyaviationservices.com/
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If you are interested in speaking to us about our Buyer's Agent Services, fill out a questionnaire for pistons or turbines HERE.
Our current inventory of airplanes available can be found HERE.
Give us a call at (903)284-9245 if you have any other questions or want to speak to us about any of the services we provide.
If you'd like to submit a question for Joe to answer on the podcast, please send it to clint@flycasey.com