Halloween Spook-TREK-ular!
Halloween! The time of year when we love to be scared!
Today, we're going to look at the episodes of Trek that would be perfect for your Halloween binge watching! We'll look at a list from the blog, Geeks of Doom, and then review their selections and re-write their list with suggestions of our own.
Plus, we'll take a look at recent news in the world of Star Trek:
- Adam Nimoy guest starring on "The Big Bang Theory" with Wil Wheaton
- William Shatner's memoir on his friendship with Leonard Nimoy
- Star Trek: Renegades brand new Kickstarter campaign
We'll even tell you our theory on what the next Star Trek: Renegades episode is about based on their casting news!
So, grab a handful of candy from your kids' giant stash and join us for Episode 37 of Trek Geeks - A Star Trek Podcast!