Ep. 116: Nicole Hitchcock - J Vineyards and Winery
This episode features Nicole Hitchcock the winemaker for J Vineyards and Winery in Sonoma’s Russian River Valley. Our conversation was an opportunity to pull all the stops on my technical questions about sparkling wine and Nicole was delightfully up to the task. “Bubble velocity” is my new favorite term to casually drop into conversations. Nicole also led me through her Chardonnay and Pinot noir winemaking and the reasons the Russian River Valley is a special place to make wine. LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE J Vineyards and Winery- Healdsburg, CA Russian River Winegrowers This podcast is brought you by Black Dog Consulting. Wine has been made since Antiquity; Kings, Queens, and common folk alike have all Revered and Coveted it. Over the centuries, Vintners have carefully documented the eccentricities. This activity persists today. Joining forces with the Cadre of Consultants and Vendor Partners in the Black Dog Consulting Network gives the Vintner unparalleled access to Tribal knowledge, the best Support, and Products on the Market; often at lower cost. This comes with adjacent support from their Cadre of Consultant Agents; mostly at no cost to the end-user. Most of the firms in the US are sole proprietors, whereas Black Dog Consulting operates as a "hive mind." This means if a situation arises where it is beyond the scope of expertise of your local agent, the rest of the cadre will address it and find a solution. They are a team of accomplished agents with a diverse background who are attempting to take a crowdsourced approach to your beverage science solutions. This is a novel approach to wine consulting in the continental United States. You can reach them via email bdcwineconsulting@gmail.com @Blackdogconsultingwine @BetweenTwoBudsPodcast @TheDeliberateWinemaker Questions? Comments? Let me know what you think: jim@insidewinemaking.com if you learn something from the collection of podcasts at Inside Winemaking, please considering donating to support the show. Paypal links at the bottom of the Inside Winemaking homepage. Every small donation is helpful. The Inside Winemaking Podcast on iTunes And Stitcher Radio Too