9 - How to Exercise While Injured and Still Get Results with Rick Kaselj, MS
On Episode 9 of the Over 40 Alpha Podcast, Dr Rick Kaselj is going to help us examine what we type of exercise we can do, how we can workout and how we can recover quickly through injuries.
We also discuss the following:
•Rick will give us a breakdown of the 4 most common injuries and pain areas for men over 40 which are shoulders, back, knees and hips.
•You will learn, the ways we can train during injuries and Rick will give us specific exercises that you can substitute so you can still train that injuries area. (if it’s not too severe)
•You will learn what filler exercises are and how those will speed up recovery while you are still able to workout
•You will discover how movement and more mobility will help alleviate injuries
•How Hip flexibility will decrease stress in many areas of the body including knees and back
•You will learn that that stretching is NOT as effective as you think
•And Much More
Do You Have Tight Hips? Click HERE To Unlock Your Hips - http://over40shred.com/UnlockYourHIps