Ep. 82: Dr. Dave Block - Dept. of Viticulture and Enology, UCDavis
This episode features Dr. Dave Block from UCDavis. Dave is the Chair of the Dept. of Enology and Viticulture, teaches both enology and chemical engineering courses, and directs a research lab. I did my graduate research in Dave’s lab and got to know him during our conversations about tinkering with Cabernet fermentor shapes and sizes. I went back to Davis in July, 2018 to record this podcast and find out what Dave is currently working on, what the Dept of VaE has going on, and to discuss the opportunities for online winemaking certificate program, which many podcast listeners consistently ask about. LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Dr Dave Block’s UCDavis webpage Dept. of Viticulture and Enology, UCDavis UCDavis Online Winemaking Certificate Program This podcast is brought you by Scott Laboratories -- For over eighty years, Scott Laboratories has been the leader in providing the North American specialty beverage industry with innovative solutions and products including fermentation goods, filtration media, equipment, packaging products and laboratory services. Scott Labs is introducing their new website, which features online ordering, order history, and a technical library. They can be reached at 707 765-6666. Scott Laboratories new website Managing Diacetyl from their technical library Questions? Comments? Let me know what you think: jim@insidewinemaking.com if you learn something from the collection of podcasts at Inside Winemaking, please considering donating to support the show. Paypal links at the bottom of the Inside Winemaking homepage. Every small donation is helpful. The Inside Winemaking Podcast on iTunes And Stitcher Radio Too