NL Conversation: Nitin Pai on liberal nationalism and how India became a society without compassion
Nitin Pai is the director of the Takshashila Institution, an independent centre for research and education in public policy. In the episode of NL Conversations, he speaks with Meghnad S about policy, ideology and technology. Talking about “liberal nationalism”, he believes it can only exist in India, for elsewhere people will argue that it’s not possible to be “liberal” and “nationalist” at the same time. “Indian nationalism can work on a global scale because it does not insist on a single language, race and religion.” Nitin also discusses various ideologies and whether they make sense in today’s world. He complains that “we have become a society with no compassion” but maintains that the society is still “capable of looking after its weak”. Talking about India’s education system, he argued that it is important to think critically in today’s age of technology and complains that “the test system has killed education in this country.” Tune in! See for privacy and opt-out information.