The Secrets of Skellig Michael
Discover the real-life story behind Luke Skywalker's island home in the first episode of the Force Material podcast!
Welcome to our weekly deep dive into the secrets and source material of Star Wars, with hosts Rohan Williams and Baz McAlister.
We'll be delving into the influences and inspirations behind the Star Wars saga, from films and folklore to history, politics and geography. These are the stories behind the prequels, the sequels, and everything in between!
In our first episode, we explore Skellig Michael, the filming location for Luke Skywalker's place of exile in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.
What was life really like for the Gaelic Christian monks that built a monastery on this desolate rock in the 6th century, and which creatures might they have encountered?
Was George Bernard Shaw the first location scout for Lucasfilm?
And what does it even mean to be religious in a galaxy where magical space wizards are actually, objectively, real?
All this and more, in the first episode of Force Material!
In the coming weeks, we'll break down the movies that make up Rian Johnson's Star Wars Film Camp, and begin to explore the creative building blocks of the Saga we all love so much.
If you love samurai, space ships and saloons, you've come to the right place.
Who knows? You might even end up finding something new that you'll love just as much as Star Wars.
Well... almost as much, anyway.