SPS 036: How to Build an Author Platform with Steve Scott

In this episode, we have Steve Scott, a renowned author, blogger, and podcaster, who has published over 50 books in three different niches. Steve's expertise lies in building a platform and leveraging it for massive success in Kindle book publishing.

Steve initially ventured into Kindle publishing in February 2012 with the intention of driving traffic to his blog. However, he quickly realized the potential for generating income through his books. He then focused on an untapped niche that he was interested in and dedicated himself to writing in-depth books about habits. He leveraged his knowledge of internet marketing to give away free content and build an email list, which became instrumental in building his platform and achieving Kindle publishing success.

Throughout the episode, Steve shares his experiences and strategies for success in Amazon book publishing. He emphasizes the importance of understanding micro-topics, creating valuable content, and building an email list to promote and sell books. Steve also discusses the significance of launching books at a promotional price, utilizing email sequences, and continuously releasing new books to maintain momentum and attract readers.

Steve's approach revolves around creating a platform that combines content marketing, email marketing, and Amazon's platform. He highlights the value of content upgrades, checklists, and leveraging platforms like SlideShare to reach a wider audience. Additionally, Steve emphasizes the importance of driving readers back to content and email lists, rather than solely focusing on social media.

Listeners can expect to gain valuable insights into building a successful platform, leveraging Amazon's platform, and implementing effective marketing strategies for Kindle book publishing. Steve's experience and expertise in the field make this episode a valuable resource for authors and aspiring self-publishers looking to achieve success on Amazon.

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Must-watch episodes:

  1. SPS 044: Using A Free + Shipping Book Funnel with Anik Singal
  2. SPS 115: Using Atomic Habits To Write & Publish A Book with James Clear
  3. SPS 127: Traditional vs. Self Publishing: Which You Should Choose with Ruth Soukup
  4. SPS 095: The Five Love Languages: Selling 15 Million Copies with Gary Chapman
  5. SPS 056: How I Sold 46M Copies of My Self Published Book with Robert Kiyosaki

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