SPS 031: Building my Business & Group Coaching Program with Jaime Tardy
Jaime Masters (formerly known as Jaime Tardy) is an accomplished business coach, keynote speaker, bestselling author, entrepreneur, and a remarkable guest on today's show. She is the mastermind behind the Eventual Millionaire website and podcast, where she has interviewed over 200 millionaire entrepreneurs. Jaime has also gained recognition through features on major news outlets such as CNN, MSN, Success Magazine, and Yahoo.
In this episode, we delve into Jaime's bestselling book, "The Eventual Millionaire," and its impact on her business and coaching endeavors. We explore the marketing strategies employed to promote the book and discuss how it has contributed to Jaime's professional growth. As a close friend, the host is particularly enthusiastic about this conversation, having had frequent discussions about the book with Jaime.
During the episode, listeners can expect to gain valuable insights into book advertising and marketing strategies, as Jaime shares her firsthand experience in promoting her book. Her expertise in reaching a wide audience through various media outlets and channels makes this episode particularly valuable for authors and aspiring authors looking to maximize the reach of their books.
Furthermore, the episode offers a glimpse into Jaime's entrepreneurial journey and her ability to connect with influential individuals in the business world. Her accomplishments as a 7-figure business coach and her success in building a thriving platform demonstrate her dedication and proficiency in the industry.
Overall, this episode provides a wealth of information for aspiring authors, entrepreneurs, and individuals seeking inspiration and guidance on their path to success. Jaime's expertise, combined with her engaging storytelling, makes for an enlightening and inspiring conversation.
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