SPS 013: Beyond the Bestseller with Hal Elrod

#1 Bestselling Author of “The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)” Hal Elrod has managed to take this one book and build a business, following, and movement around it. He now has an entire “Miracle Morning” series and has had crazy success as a coach and speaker.

Hal is also a good friend of mine who happens to live in San Diego. His book has had an amazing impact on my life as I have been consistently applying the principles. His book is not only life changing, but his story is incredible too. When Hal was 20 years old he was in a car accident where he was hit head-on by a drunk driver. He actually died for 6 minutes and ended up with 11 broken bones and was in a coma for 6 days. He was told that he would never walk again.

He went on to not only walk but run a 52-mile ultra marathon. He was also prompted by his doctors to write a book about his experience. The beginning profits of his first book “Taking Life Head On! (The Hal Elrod Story): How To Love The Life You Have While You Create The Life of Your Dreams” were stolen by his first publisher. Hal bounced back again and went on to he create the life-changing “Miracle Morning” book, community, and business. Today we discuss Hal’s book and how he built a business around it.


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Here are some links that might come in handy:

Must-watch episodes:

  1. SPS 044: Using A Free + Shipping Book Funnel with Anik Singal
  2. SPS 115: Using Atomic Habits To Write & Publish A Book with James Clear
  3. SPS 127: Traditional vs. Self Publishing: Which You Should Choose with Ruth Soukup
  4. SPS 095: The Five Love Languages: Selling 15 Million Copies with Gary Chapman
  5. SPS 056: How I Sold 46M Copies of My Self Published Book with Robert Kiyosaki

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