SPS 007: How to Turn Pro as a Writer with Jeff Goins

Jeff Goins is an author, speaker, and blogger. After working for seven years in the nonprofit world as a marketing and communications director, he now writes and speaks full time. He challenges people to make their messages matter through his blog, courses, and online events.

Jeff is the author of five books including  The Art of Work,  Real Artists Don’t Starve,  You Are a Writer,  The In-Between, and  Wrecked. Today, we are going to focus on the writing side of things, and how Jeff’s success has really exploded with his writing and with building his tribe. Jeff started writing when he realized that being a marketing director wasn’t for him. Prompting from a friend made Jeff realize that he was a writer, and he just needed to write.

He wrote on his blog everyday, and the opportunities came. His success was a result of doing the daily practice of writing and realizing that he was a writer. Once Jeff began thinking of himself as a writer, writing is what he started doing. Thinking like a pro prompted Jeff to act like a pro. Listen in to hear more about Jeff’s story and his writing process.

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Here are some links that might come in handy:

Must-watch episodes:

  1. SPS 044: Using A Free + Shipping Book Funnel with Anik Singal
  2. SPS 115: Using Atomic Habits To Write & Publish A Book with James Clear
  3. SPS 127: Traditional vs. Self Publishing: Which You Should Choose with Ruth Soukup
  4. SPS 095: The Five Love Languages: Selling 15 Million Copies with Gary Chapman
  5. SPS 056: How I Sold 46M Copies of My Self Published Book with Robert Kiyosaki

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