Ande Ke Chilke (अण्डे के छिलके) by Mohan Rakesh
Ande Ke Chilke : A tale set in the 1960s, about a strict vegetarian household where even eggs are a taboo. The daughter-in-law of the house however, was brave enough to break the rules for herself, her husband, and her brother in law. Will the matriarch of the house discover these nefarious activities happening right under her nose? Or will the family members succeed in keeping and cooking it all under the table?
Written by: Mohan Rakesh
Director: Anjali Bhide
Cast: Chaitanya Godsay, Anjali Bhide, Bhavna Mathur, Aniruddha Bhide, Shubhla Bhatia Jotwani, and Rajiv Nema
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