Not enough food in the house, baby needs medicine, eviction is closing in, someone can't control their anger, what do you do. Crisis can be averted by dialing just three digits. Listen in to see where free help can be found day or night.

Clara Reynolds, CEO of the Crisis Line describes to you what you would get if you dialed 211 on the phone.  What would you say if I told you that many crisis involving veterans and their families could be averted by this simple action, dial 211? Most people stare at me blankly when I ask that question. 211 is where you call if your life is in turmoil and you need help. 911 is for medical emergencies and 211 is for almost everything else. Anyone can call it and get free counseling, but if you are a vet when you call in, ask for a veteran to be your counselor. These folks are uniquely qualified to serve veterans and their families as they are trained to be able to open doors for you that you probably do not know exist. Whether you are a veteran or not, take a few minutes to listen to how they can help you.

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