TES 009 - The Keys to Angel Funding
This is a Q&A session, where we answer the question sent in by Bill Parravano about “Angel Financing”.
His question is: “What is your approach? How do you approach an angel investor? How do you find angel investors? What do you need to have prepared when speaking with them?”
An angel investor is typically a past entrepreneur who has high net worth and wants to invest in ideas, management and things they believe in. The size of angel investment can be from $5,000 to $10,000 to up to $2 million. Know that, angel investment is not just a typical financing arrangement for getting returns on investment. It carries with it some mentoring, advice and control. Angel investors come together as groups to form angel investment groups. They make decisions as a group but the investment is done on an individual basis.
Finding Angel Investors
Search for them online and you will come across different associations of angel investors.
Angel Investments vs