Honoring America’s first Black Ambassador Edward Dudley

Buzz4Good creator Michael Hemphill introduces perhaps the most famous Roanoke, Virginia, citizen you’ve never heard of: Edward Dudley, a pioneering civil rights lawyer who became the first African-American ambassador in United States history. So unknown is Ambassador Dudley’s remarkable life that even Roanoke’s preeminent historian, former mayor Nelson Harris, wasn’t aware of it until he began researching an unrelated book about Roanoke in the 1940s. Here's Michael's conversation with Harris about Edward Dudley’s incredible legacy.

Later on the show, we reminisce about our recent BUZZ concert featuring the phenomenal jazz and bluegrass Nashville-based trio, Domino, starring Southwest Virginia’s very own bluegrass sensation Addie Levy. We'll share a song from the performance, and invite you to watch and listen to their concert on our YouTube channel.

And we introduce you to a remarkable woman whom we’re featuring in a new BUZZ episode starring Mountain View Humane Society, which provide high quality and low cost spay and neuter services throughout Southwest Virginia. Robin Toney is one of Mountain View’s volunteers who traps feral cats so they can be spayed or neutered. Hopefully her inspiring story will inspire you.

Are you a nonprofit with an event that we could help promote? Or a marketing problem we could help fix? Contact us and we’ll share on an upcoming episode.

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The United States has more than 1.5 million nonprofits — from homeless shelters, food banks and rescue squads to children’s choirs, science museums and animal refuges — that employ one out of every 10 Americans. Like any company, nonprofits have salaries and bills to pay, a budget to balance. They require money. And if enough people don’t know about them, don’t believe in them, don’t support them — in short, if they lack BUZZ — they suffer and die.

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