Black History Month: Celebrating nonprofits that promote African American heritage
Here in the midst of Black History Month, Buzz4Good creator Michael Hemphill revisits nonprofit conversations that highlight three distinct yet common experiences involving Black Americans that tells more than just Black history but the history of all Americans in our United States.
From the Christiansburg Institute founded in the aftermath of the Civil War to World War II and the famed Tuskegee Airmen to today's Black Father Family Initiative, our special Black History Month show features three moments in our nation’s history in which Black Americans have had to struggle against and overcome institutional racism and social inequality.
Are you a nonprofit with an event that we could help promote? Or a marketing problem we could help fix? Contact us and we’ll share on an upcoming episode.
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The United States has more than 1.5 million nonprofits — from homeless shelters, food banks and rescue squads to children’s choirs, science museums and animal refuges — that employ one out of every 10 Americans. Like any company, nonprofits have salaries and bills to pay, a budget to balance. They require money. And if enough people don’t know about them, don’t believe in them, don’t support them — in short, if they lack BUZZ — they suffer and die.