7: How to Rehab a Property
Today's show is dedicated to helping you learn how to rehab a property and NOT lose money in the process. Please join me as I welcome Kendall Stock and Darren Davis, founders of Sage Investing, LLC, national speakers with Renatus education group. They have Re-habbed close to 50 properties with significant bottom line profit. Many real estate investors are now where near their level of expertise then it comes to Re-habbing. Their specialty is partnering with self-directed retirement plans to produce stellar, tax-free or tax-deferred returns for their clients using the tangible, insurable, medium of real estate. The mission of Sage Investing is simply taking the lemons life hands people and making lemonade through creative solutions in the investing and real estate arenas. No matter where you are in the process, we'll walk you through it and help you learn how to make it BIG without taking a loss in your bank account. For more information about the Show and Mat and Mark, visit www.refreshyourwealth.com.
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