4: Death and Real Estate with Chris Albin
I realize this isn't a fun topic: Death. But you know what they say - 'we can't avoid it' - so we might as well plan for it. Today will be an interesting show. I want to talk about the opportunities you may have in real estate when families DON'T plan properly and you can actually be the winner with amazing opportunities. On the other hand, I also want to talk about Estate Closings and how you can save your family thousands of dollars and hundreds of wasted hours by planning properly for your estate. Moreover, I want to explain the role of an 'Estate Closer' even when your plan comes together and you need help with the loose ends. Please join me as I welcome two guests with very different perspectives on the same issue to the show today. Real Estate Investor, Probate Strategist, and President of Home Buyer's Perspective Realty Inc., Chris Albin will join me to discuss this issue from the Buyers' perspective, while CPA and partner at Kolsin and Creal and Estate Closer Ray Creal will give us some knowledge and insight on the importance of Estate Closers and how they can play such a crucial role in the lives of the trustees, executors, and beneficiaries during this difficult time. For more information about the Show and Mat and Mark, visit www.refreshyourwealth.com.
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