EPISODE 108:PARANORMAL a PULP FICTION On What Are You Afraid Of? Horror a Paranormal Show, we explore the darkness, whether it’s true ghost stories, horror fiction, interviews with some strange characters or even some noir mixed in to our collections of narrated stories. Authors T. Fox Dunham a Phil Thomas welcome Fox’s old friend, Mark Slade, onto episode 108: Paranormal a Pulp Fiction. Mark has been writing for many years and is published across a wide spectrum of magazines and anthologies. He will be featured in the upcoming noir anthology, A Time For Violence, with other authors such as T. Fox Dunham, Joe R. Lansdale, Anthony Russo and many other noir and horror authors in early 2019. We play a gritty and wild excerpt from Mark’s story, Mean Business, read by voice actor, Joe Stofko. The trio discusses writing, getting published and the haunted capital of the United States, Gettysburg! Ghosts of Gettysburg historian, Mark Nesbitt, contributes two ghost stories to the show. In Surprise Re-enactment, visiting dignitaries are delighted to witness a surprise battle re-enactment in Gettysburg only to that no event was scheduled—well, by the living. And we play Mark’s story about the ghost of an old ranger who still hunts the Pennsylvania forests in the true ghost story, Last Frontiersman. www.whatareyouafraidofpodcast.com