344: Despite Proof, Why Does PM Modi Say India Has No Detention Camps?
India doesn’t have ANY detention centers. That’s what Prime Minister Modi would like you to believe. He said the same thing at a rally in Delhi’s Ram Lila Maidan, earlier this week as he launched his party's campaign for Delhi Assembly Elections in February 2020. But despite the prime minister’s promise…the reality on the ground is different. Assam currently has at least six temporary detention centres located inside jails. and the plan is to built at least 10 more. the state is only waiting now, for the centre’s approval. The country’s largest detention camp is also being built in the state’s Matia region as we speak, at a cost of approximately Rs 46 crore. Down south, Karnataka recently opened its first foreigner detention center. One that’s situated about 40 kilometres from Bengaluru near Nelamangla. Another was planned in Maharashtra by the previous Fadanavis government, but then with the change of power in the state, the new Shiv Sena govt in the state has scrapped it for now. So why is India building detention centres and why does the PM want you to believe otherwise? Guests: Tridip Mandal, The QuintAditya Menon, Political Editor, The QuintHost a Producer: Vishnu GopinathEditor: Shelly Walia