Tanning Beds, Strength/Aerobic Balance, Saturated Fat on Keto - THRR008
7 Day Carb Test, Strength/Endurance Balance, Tanning Beds, Introductory Resources, Saturated Fat on Keto
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This episode of The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by Perfect Keto. Perfect Keto makes eating keto easier. Perfect Keto provides clean low-carb bars, nut butters, and supplements, and the best keto recipes and info so you can keto with confidence. Go to http://perfectketo.com/rebellion10 and use code REBELLION10 for $10 off orders of $40 or more
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Show Notes:
News topic du jour:
Shared by Joe Tsai, in The Healthy Rebellion:
1. 7 Day Carb Test - Why test in isolation? [8:17]
Jason says:
Hi Rob,
When doing the 7 day carb test, why test a given food in isolation if it's never eaten in isolation? For example, when I tested rice I had my blood glucose spike to 166 after two hours; however, when I tested rice with a full avocado my blood sugar was 91 after two hours. I never eat rice in isolation so would you still recommend that I avoid it even though I seem to tolerate it when eaten with other foods?
Thanks for your work and trying to spread the message of optimal health into the world!
2. Balance Between Strength and Aerobic Endurance [11:42]
Matt says:
First, after being introduced to Dr. Michael Rose and his take on aging and longevity, I've started to look at that topic from a fitness perspective. At the risk of over generalizing, it seems like keys to longevity from a fitness perspective are adequate strength coupled with a leaner body composition along with a strong aerobic base. Coming from a crossfit background, i've always been attracted to "increased work capacity, broad times, modal domains etc" but have found over the last few years that strength and aerobic endurance appear to exert the most influence over the other metabolic pathways and that focusing on those two helps to improve the more anaerobic pathways more than vice/versa. My question is: is it possible to determine where the tradeoff exists when trying to balance those two and how could the average person focus on periodizing those two aspects through the year. For example, could we apply a metric to it, or ever begin to define "optimal" based on something like we should be able to run "x" pace at "y" percentage of max heart rate and also be able to squat "x" percentage of body weight and do "y" number of pull-ups rather than just attacking random domains like certain "functional fitness" programs do, rather than dividing into strength or endurance camps and prioritizing too much of one or the other at the expense of the other.
3. Tanning Beds [22:13]
Michael says:
Good morning sir. I was hoping you might provide more detail on your use of tanning beds (I believe I heard you use very brief exposures)
Are these beds UVA or UVB?
How long do you hop in? How many times a week?
Could you unpack the risk/reward and strength of evidence regarding danger of using such beds?
Thanks again.
4. Short Introductory resources [30:01]
Ginny says:
Hi Robb,
Thank you for the wonderful content you put out - I own Wired to Eat, just completed your Keto Masterclass, and love the Paleo Solution Podcast.
I'm writing in today looking for some good introductory resources for someone looking to take small steps toward a healthier diet. A little context here: I've been paleo-ish for about 3 years, starting with whole 30, doing the 7 day carb test, and most recently moving into a keto experiment.
However, my boyfriend is less nutritionally aware. For example, yesterday, he made 12 banana bread muffins, and as of dinner time has consumed 8 of them and nothing else.
He's naturally thin and can kick my butt in almost any workouts, so he's felt less of a drive to change his eating habits (and I don't bug him about it). Plus, he doesn't even appear to feel bad when he lives off banana bread muffins. However, he sees how great I feel, and how much I love learning about my health, so he's willing to try. Plus, I often cook for both of us, and he sees how delicious healthy eating can be.
He asked me for some good introductory resources that he can use to learn more about healthy eating. I would point him to Wired to Eat, but I think a book may be a big investment to start (I don't want him to quit too early). Do you have, or know of, something simple or short that could introduce him to the impact of food on his body?
Thank you again for all you do!
5. Saturated Fat on Keto [34:49]
Diana says:
Hi Nicki and Robb
Is saturated fat something to try to avoid on Keto diet? I strive for coconut oil, avocado, and olive oil; but what about butter, fat found in bacon, sausage, cheese, red meats, etc? How much is too much?