Fueling HIIT, Elevated Urine Creatinine, Blood Sugar Peaks | THRR007
Fueling early morning HIIT riding on 30 day reset. Elevated Urine Creatinine Levels, Keto Versus Low Carb Energy Source, Blood sugar peaks at 30 minutes, Insulin resistance and high intensity exercise
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1. Fueling early morning HIIT riding on 30 day reset [10:58]
Adrian says:
Hey Robb,
We met once at a talk you did in San Fran back in Feb 2016.
First, loved Wired to Eat, read it three times already. Second, the wife and I are three days into the 30 day reset. And third, my question:
It's a nuance around fueling HIIT workouts during these thirty days. I am a cyclist training pretty hard for some summer mountain and road bike races. Weekday Sufferfest workouts are generally 4.45am/5am and last anything from 45-90 mins. Burning anything from 600-1200KCal (measured via Cycleops power meter, and I'm about 170lbs). Given the time of day, I don't really get to eat beforehand, but powering above-threshold work is obviously tough to sustain as a result.
For the 30 day reset, how would you tackle this? Is it enough to eat 50-100g of paleo carbs at dinner (and would that give me enough muscle glycogen for the morning)? Or would you also eat 25-50g after the workout too?
Thanks again for everything you do.
2. Elevated Urine Creatinine Levels [15:16]
Amy says:
Hi Robb
I have been listening to you for years and I know you have discussed this issue in the past. Will high protein cause kidney damage? I know the answer is no, but I hope you can help answer my question
My urine creatine levels continue to be elevated but my blood creatine levels are within range. I have never had any issues with my kidneys, eg. UTI, kidney stones etc
I basically eat whole unprocessed foods 90% of the time.
I eat 3 meals/day roughly 100-120gms protein/day via animal sources. I am a 45 y/o female 5'7" tall and weigh 120lbs. My MD stated I am eating way too much protein which is causing my elevated levels.
Would you consider solely elevated urine creatine to be a problem?
I eat about 2000-2400 calories a day and am still on the border of being underweight so I really hate to decrease my protein at this point if it is not necessary
Thanks for all you and Nicki do!
3. Keto Versus Low Carb Energy Source [17:50]
Ali says:
If you are eating very low carb on a continuous basis and you are not in ketosis, what is fueling your body? As an example, if you are eating about 50 grams of carbs per day, right above the normal benchmark for keto, will your body still be able to use carbs as a primary fuel source? Is there a gradation before ketosis? Will you be perpetually low energy if you continue to eat low carb without going into ketosis?
I am dabbling with low carb/high fat. I am eating very low carb/high fat and not tracking based on historical disordered eating patterns related to tracking. I am worried my low carb eating could not be productive if I am not entering into ketosis.
Thank you! I look forward to your Q/A every episode.
4. Blood sugar peaks at 30 minutes [21:54]
Mark says:
Hey Robb, I'm 41 years old and I've been on a strict paleo diet for 2 years, ever since I discovered you on Joe Rogan and read Wired to Eat. Recently I've been doing some carb tolerance tests, with about 75 grams of carbs in different forms, and I'm confused about the results. It doesn't seem to make a difference if it's bananas, honey, potato, or high fructose corn syrup. My blood glucose will always be around 110 at the 2 hour mark. But, I've noticed that it peaks around 200 at about 30 minutes, and at 1 hour it will be around 140. What does this mean? Is this insulin resistance? Fasting glucose is always 100 in the early morning, but it will be around 85 later in the day. I never checked blood glucose before changing my diet, so I have no idea if I was pre-diabetic or not. Obviously I should avoid these crazy high amounts of carbs, but I'm wondering if my response indicates a problem.
Mark in Billings, MT
5. Insulin resistance and high intensity exercise [24:50]
Tom says:
Hi Robb and Nicki
Thx guys for all you’ve done for the ancestral / functional health movement - it’s been inspirational / incredibly helpful for me personally.
During the last podcast I heard you mention a link between insulin resistance and poor tolerance to high intensity exercise. I’ve got both and have never connected the two. I quit high intensity exercise 5 years ago as I got sick for 1-2 days after every HIIT class (grey pallor, dark circles under my eyes, bitter taste in mouth - like a 2 day hangover!). can you say a bit more about this connection please?
I’m now keto and wondering if I’d be able to introduce some cardio again.
Thanks for all your advice / help guys
Tom, Newcastle, uk
Solid talk from Stephen Seiler: https://youtu.be/MALsI0mJ09I