Gluten and Thyroiditis, Booze on Keto, Calcium | THRR004
Getting Enough Calcium; Coconut/Avocado Oil Potato Chips; Booze while Keto affecting Gut Health; Pumpkin Seed Oil; Gluten and Thyroiditis; and current event: students & families’ reaction to schools in “meat-loving rural Brazil” going vegan.
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This episode is sponsored by Elemental Labs and their electrolyte drink mix LMNT Recharge.
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Show Notes:
News topic du jour
Schools in meat-loving rural Brazil went vegan. The community revolted.
1. Calcium [14:05]
Erica says
Hi Robb!
I first want to say thank you so much for the wealth of knowledge you share. Your book,The Paleo Solution, helped me get off Enbrel which I was taking for 13 years for Rheumatoid Arthritis. I’ve been medication and symptom free for a year just by following a Paleo/keto diet and I don’t ever plan on going back to my old life of processed foods, joint pain, and weekly injections of Enbrel. However, I am concerned about my calcium intake. Dairy and beans flare up my arthritis symptoms and I don’t digest leafy greens well at all. I know sardines are a good source of calcium, but I just can’t stomach them. ???? (Seriously, my husband is not even allowed to kiss me after he has eaten sardines )Do you have any suggestions of ways I can get calcium in my diet? I’ve heard bone meal is a good source but I don’t know exactly how to add that to my diet in an appealing way and I’m not finding much on the internet. Thank you so much for your time!
2. Coconut/Avocado Oil Potato Chips [17:18]
Gordon says:
You have mentioned Potato chips made with avocado/coconut oil but never really gave a thumbs up or down as too if these chips are ok to have ( for me everyday, i have a hard time with anything besides meat and rice). Am i plowing too many calories/carbs down? Any thoughts?
56 yr old male....workout 2/3 times a week ...physical job but recently put on weight in my midsection ...i eat about 4/5 bags a week...
All around good guy and overworked father
3. Booze, Keto and Gut Health [20:21]
Matt says:
Any chance you can devote some time on the show to discuss alcohol? I am amazed at how little information is available as to it's effect on keto, weight loss, and muscle gain.
Here's an example. My wife and I split a bottle of wine every night, start it with dinner and finish it off in the next few hours. The effect of this on sleep is a whole different topic :) .... what is the wine doing to my ketogenic state and ability to lose weight? Is the outcome different if it's two shots of tequila? The wine we drink is always dry (no residual sugar present)
Last question. I'm a wine-maker and have always wondered about the effect of the preservative that I use in wine. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) is added to wine immediately after fermentation is complete. I continually maintain a ratio of 100-150ppm (legal limit is 350ppm) until bottling to prevent bad stuff from growing. I was trained that "the SO2 doesn't kill the yeast and microbes, just prevents them from growing". What effect does the SO2 have on my gut bacteria?
n=1; I haven't noticed any difference in my gut/intestines/stool when drinking wine or abstaining.
Also, hard alcohol doesn't have preservatives in it, because almost nothing grows in that much alcohol. (cardio/mito toxicant….but in VITRO) (food preservative in general...microbiome changed...then went back!)
Thanks for everything... your teaching's have had a positive impact on me that is life-changing!
Also.... +1 vote to bring back The Controversial Truth
4. Pumpkin Seed Oil [26:54]
Bill says:
On a recent hiking trip to Slovenia, beautiful, beautiful country - btw, we were introduced to pumpkin seed oil. It is big in the region and also in Austria, It is sometimes toasted, sometimes not and has a wonderful "nutty" flavor. We used it on green salads. Our usual salad dressing is 1/3 MCT oil mixed with 2/3 rds high quality EVOO. We avoid ALL commercial salad dressings because of their crap seed oils, soy, canola etc. Pumpkin seeds are a regular for us along with healthy tree nuts.
Any reason from a Paleo or Keto standpoint to use or NOT use pumpkin seed oil along side of our usual?
Many thanks for all you do. Best, Bill
5. Gluten and Thyroiditis [28:29]
Sue says:
I am very confused. I have been following a gluten free diet since 2006 when a practitioner told me I had Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I've been told, "Not even a little bit."
I have recently changed primary care physicians. He sent me to an endocrinologist to straighten out my med dosage. I asked her about the relationship between gluten and thyroiditis and she said, "There is absolutely NO correlation between thyroid and gluten!"
So, I ate a cookie, okay three, yesterday and I did not feel awful. I'm just seriously confused.
Thank you for your kind time and attention.
~Sue (PUBMED search for gluten+thyroid)