Hard Gainer, Glycine at Night, Training While Sore | THRR003
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This episode is sponsored by Elemental Labs and their electrolyte drink mix LMNT Recharge.
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Show Notes:
1. Blood donation snacks [10:35]
Bree says:
I donate platelets most every week. The snack options offered are never “Keto” friendly. What are some snacks i can bring that can help with recovery that won’t kick me out of Keto?
Thanks in advance
2. Work out while still sore? [12:13]
Steve says:
Dr. Doug McGuff wrote a book about exercising and says allow yourself to recover before working out again. If not, you stop the recovery process. I just read your post which said 3 times per week. I am 71 years old and in the past did CrossFit twice a week for 5 years. If someone works out while they are still sore, do they lose some of the recovery benefits? Thanks for all you do for the health community.
3. The dark art of weight gain [17:59]
Oisin says:
Hi Robb & Nicky,
I am really enjoying you guys going back to the Q&A format and have been a fan for 5+ years, and my life and health is so much better thanks to adopting the paleo way of life *kisses cover of The Paleo Solution*.
My question is about weight gain, yes gain, I didn’t mean to say loss, I really mean I am actively trying to gain weight!
I am 29, 6’2’ and about 170lbs so very tall and slim. I eat lowish carb paleo with a high carb dinner (usually sweet potatoes/potatoes/rice (yes, devil non paleo night shades and grains) post Jiu Jitsu training. I also have a snack of about two handfuls of nuts a day and usually one piece of fruit. I train 4 times a week and strength train 2 days a week.
I would love to put on about 10 or so lbs of relatively lean muscle mass, I have tried this a number of times over the years but always run out of steam after a few weeks of little progress. Plus, now since going lowish carb a year or two ago I am worried about deranging my blood sugar and if overeating for a few weeks/months will age me 20/30 years and cause my telomere’s to spontaneously combust!?
I would love to hear any advice you had on convenient/safer ways of gaining some weight, my main reasons now for gaining muscle mass is JJ performance and longevity, as you and others frequently say strength and muscle mass do wonders for aging and I am trying to optimise that while my youthful hormone profile is still around.
Thank you for everything.
P.S. I know the answer is to eat more and be patient but please god don’t say that and give me some tips that require less effort…… LOL!
4. Glycine at night [25:46]
Jordan says:
Hi Robb and Nicki,
Long time listener and current consumer of LMNT. The product is amazing and really helps when I eat low carb and/or train. Recently, after hearing you talk about glycine, I started taking 3-5g at night Doing so really seems to help with sleep onset time and deep sleep, which I track with an Oura ring. I’m wondering if taking glycine in isolation is something I should be careful with. Also, second somewhat related question: when I attempt keto, I experience dizziness when standing, is this due to an electrolyte imbalance or is this a warning sign I’d be better off avoiding keto? Thanks again for all you and your family do!
5. Dental Health and Keto [28:08]
David says:
I'm the type of person that is blessed with naturally healthy and strong teeth (historically). I went 43 years without a cavity. This year I had one, which to me seems totally ironic. I've been low carb/keto for the past 18 months and generally don't eat sweets even when I'm off 'the plan'. Generally in the sense that there were probably a few times throughout the year where I indulged in something sugary and sweet (but that would be much less typical than prior to 18 months ago). Mainly I'm heating a whole foods based ketogenic diet of meat and veg...
All of this said....are there concerns for this WOE around dental health (thinking calcium but not a doctor or a dentist or anyone capable of understanding 'root' cause analysis in this area)...pun intended.
Anyway love the show keep up the good work.