Vit D and Dark Skin, Muscle Loss on Keto, Collagen Protein | THRR001

Welcome to our new podcast The Healthy Rebellion Radio!

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We're starting out with Q&A #1, where we answer listener submitted questions.

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This episode is sponsored by Elemental Labs and their electrolyte drink mix LMNT Recharge.

Download a copy of the transcript here (PDF)



Show Notes:

News topic du jour
Circadian clock


1. Muscle Loss on Keto [4:56]

Kenny says:

Hi Rob,

I’ve lost 35lbs over the last year on keto.  Yay! The most recent 12lbs of weight loss occurred over three months, and I took a dexascan before and after.  The results were surprising– 5lbs of fat loss and 7lbs of lean tissue loss. I have tried restricting total calories but keeping my protein high (weight: 220lbs, protein intake: 150g).  During these three months, I also did fewer CrossFit workouts than normal due to an injury. 

What should I focus on to make the next three months better?  Is this a sign that I am restricting calories too much?

Thanks for all you do.



2. BOHB Supplements for gut health [10:20]

Nick says:

Because butyrate is important for gut health, do you see any potential benefit to BOHB supplements purely for gut health? Even for those who are not on a ketogenic diet but rather consume more of a lower carb paleo diet? Thanks for your input


3. I Think I’m Underfuelled, How Do I Fix It Without Gaining All the Weight [12:51]

Miranda says:

I lost about 30 lbs a year and a half ago. While I’m okay with my body right now, and have maintained the results, I would really like to make some progress but I am stalled.

My weight loss was done mostly through jogging and reduced caloric intake. I have maintained running about twice a week and have started some barre training to target specific muscle groups. Since my stall, I have started intermittent fasting. Now I find it difficult (even on my normal eating days) to eat more than 1200 calories, but I haven’t seen any real results from the fasting. I think I am under fuelled. I am 5 ft 7 and 158 lbs. My main question is, how can I get back to “normal” eating habits without gaining a bunch of weight back? How long til my metabolism will get used to my new eating habits?

Currently, I sleep about 7-8 hours a night and I try to eat about 15-20% carbs. I am gone for 12 hours a day (5 days a week) for work, at a semi active job depending on the season. My “heaviest” area is my mid section, which makes me consider insulin levels as the culprit. However I’ve been intermittent fasting for 3-4 months now, which is supposed to help with insulin resistance. Is my metabolism totally screwed? And how do I start to see results again?


4. Collagen Protein [19:54]

Christie says:

Hi Robb and Nicki. Just wondering, should protein from collagen count towards someone's daily intake of protein? I keep finding conflicting information. I have read that due to collagen not containing all the required amino acids that it shouldn't be added to one's daily macros. If this is true, does that make protein powders/bars from collagen sources obsolete? What are your thoughts on this? Thanks so much.


5. Vitamin D for the dark skinned [24:15]

Maya says:

Hi Robb and Nicki!

Absolutely love these question and answer podcasts. I have learnt so much from these sessions, please keep it up, I look forward to every single one of them!

My question relates to vitamin D production from the sun for me and my pigmented brothers and sisters. Since melanin blocks vit D synthesis, would sun bathing for 15 to 20 minutes a day, provide any significant benefit other than a tan? Would I be better taking a supplement form of vit D? Have darker skinned people evolved to have less need for the vit, given how difficult it is to synthesize it from the sun?




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