Behind the Better With Paul Podcast with Producer Jessica White
In this episode, I’m doing what most podcast experts tell us not to do and that is changing the format of the podcast. Experts say this because they know as an audience, you get used to hearing content in a certain way and deviation could mean you reject the content. While I agree about the risk, I also think it’s important, as content creators and entrepreneurs to constantly experiment. So, in this particular episode, I’m not interviewing anyone. Instead, I’m bringing on a co-host to discuss takeaways from the previous 13 Better With Paul episodes. Together, we’ll give our opinion on what we consider to be the episodes with the most hidden gems, the worst performing, the guests who were the most challenging and insightful, and I’ll even share the episode that stressed me out so much I had problems sleeping. Perhaps even more important than all those takeaways is WHO will be sharing the mic with me -– my long-time friend and producer of the Better With Paul podcast. That‘s right, surprise! There is a producer of this podcast. You’ll get an introduction to her and a full behind the podcast breakdown of how we put these episodes together. This is an episode full of insight, surprises, and a little bit of drama! Be sure to join the Better With Paul newsletter for my biggest takeaways from each episode and special announcements: Thanks so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review.