WIP 20: How a Complete Newbie Made $17,250 Just by Listening to this Podcast!
Today’s Podcast is going to BLOW YOU AWAY. A lot of people “want” to Wholesale houses but for some reason, talk themselves out of it.
Maybe they think they don’t know enough about wholesaling to go out and make money with it. Or maybe they just like the idea of wholesaling more than actually doing it.
The truth is you probably already know WAY more than you need to, to make money in this business!
Today’s guest is living proof of what happens when you just go out and take MASSIVE, imperfect action!
Today Tom sits down with a TOTAL rockstar, Martine Jackson from Richmond, Virginia.
She used to be a financial analyst but quit her job because she went all-in on wholesaling! She is NOT in the tribe (yet) but so far has made a whopping $17,250 JUST BY LISTENING TO THIS PODCAST!!
Now a full time wholesaler, she’s finding deals like a rhino and even got three deals a week after she quit her job!
Don’t miss this episode where Martine shared every detail on her first deal from blind post cards, calling everyone (and I do mean everyone) who responded, and successfully closing deals!
Both the listeners and Martine are in for a BIG surprise at the end. This is so incredible and it all started just by listening to our podcasts!
Who is Martine and how he started wholesaling just by listening to the podcast
Deep diving her deals
Finding homeowners with code violations
Using Blind Post Cards and calling each one of them
How she got this one deal
Finding the “under the surface” reason
Taking action the next day!
How she handled her first client meeting
How she figured out how much to offer
Digging into the high equity list
The myth about absentee owners
How Martine became a member of the Tribe
For more AWESOME information on Wholesaling houses head over to www.investorgrit.com and get on our mailing list.
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And if you're ready to stop "learning" about Wholesaling and actually START MAKING MONEY Wholesaling, click on the coaching tab and book a FREE strategy session with our team.
Our tribe has produced more successful Wholesaling "Rhinos" than practically any other tribe we know of.
Stop learning and start earning!
See you next time!
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