Episode 2 - Chinese Millennials
Millennial, a term we are all very familiar with, but in this episode we will explore how the term millennial applies to Chinese, and more importantly answer the question of what a Chinese millennial looks like. We will also speak to one of PingPong Digitals’ Chinese marketing experts. www.pingpongdigital.com
Insight China: A podcast on Chinese marketing hosted by Jimmy Robinson and sponsored by PingPong Digital, a Chinese digital marketing agency. It features discussions on the latest China trends, interviews with Chinese marketing experts, and the latest China news updates. Find us on Linkedin at PingPong Digital, TikTok @insightChina, and reach Jimmy at @luojimmysheng or PingPong Digital at @pingpongdigital, website: www.pingpongdigital.com. Music by Zhun. Written and hosted by Jimmy Robinson.