Our Favorite Podcasts with Camilo Vasquez
We talk with Camilo Vasquez about our favorite podcasts such as: The Joe Rogan Experience (talks with highly talented and intellectual individuals) The Tim Ferriss Show (talks with highly talented and intellectual individuals) The Gary Vee Audio Experience (entrepreneurship, motivation, and business talk) How I Built This (learn the stories of how businesses were made) WSJ Tech News Briefing (a fast way to catch up on the tech news) The How My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast (e-Commerce tips, advice, and businesses) Planet Money (talking about money, economics, business, etc) Land Of The Giants (a series of stories on big companies like Netflix and Amazon) StarTalk with Neil Degrasse Tyson (learn about science, physics, and the universe) Shopify Masters (e-Commerce tips, advice, and businesses) Smart Passive Income w/ Patt Flynn (e-Commerce tips, advice, making money, and businesses)