Monica Silva | The Founder and Operator of Audacity Cosmetics
Monica Silva is a teenage entrepreneur who started her own cosmetics brand, Audacity Cosmetics, from the ground up.Starting a cosmetics brand from scratch was very challenging as Monica had to: File for an LLC Get licensing to make and sell cosmetics products Work on the marketing and branding of the business Making cosmetics products such as her popular lip gloss Being the face of the brand, she was able to obtain a large fan base through Tik Tok. People love to see how she makes her lip gloss products, packages her products, and ships them out to her happy customers :)The authenticity of her brand has allowed her to help other aspiring entrepreneurs achieve the level of success she has. Monica hosts virtual meetings that help people make their own income. Tons of fans would DM her to ask for help or advice on starting a business, and due to her nature of wanting to help people, she provided this awesome opportunity.If you guys would like to check out her content you can follow her here: Tik Tok Instagram Youtube Audacity Cosmetics