Dare to Dream
Do you have a dream. What is your dream? Do you have something that you are working on or aspiring to be or become. Do you even have a dream, a vision or a goal? My dream - is to help people…People just like you. A dream help people make money, a dream to change people’s lives, to impact on generations to come Maybe you are already making money but could do with some structure to maximise that money and have it start to work for you. Or maybe your just not sure where to start - but you would love to see that in your future. A future of clarity, certainty and freedom. Ive have experienced what it is like to make a lot of money. My mates have experienced what wealth is like and the emotions and mindset it takes to make money. Equally, both my mates and I have lost a lot of money. Why is that…? 1.Everything moves in a cycle and money is no different 2.Maybe there were some valuable lessons in there that needed to be taught 3.Finally because we didn’t have the financial mentors and guidance My goal - my goal is to help you. Help you be successful. Help you to live a life of fulfilment and achieved dreams… and teach you the laws of money and nurture what money you do have so that it can go out and work for you…not you working for it. So, who might not quiet be there yet? Some of you may have started, others are are not sure how to get to the start line. Can I ask - When you are carrying a few extra pounds and are unfit…. Do you get fit first and then go to the gym….. or do you enlist a professional… Do you get a trainer to fast track your performance and get you fit in a safe and efficient manner. All my life I have been a coach… A performance coach! My job is to get people financially fit. Some of you are going to hear me with your ears… others of you are going to feel me in your heart. At the end of this presentation… for those of you that feel what I have been saying resonates deep within you… For those of you that are motivated by what I I am saying. Im going to give you the opportunity to work with me. The opportunity to bring your dreams into reality. My dream started many years ago… is it ok with you if I share something with you? I want your permission to be open and transparent today. Is this ok? Alright.. Thank you… So who am I to be standing up here talking about your dreams and your goals. Now that I have your permission i want to give you an insight into who i am and what makes up Michael Cooper https://iammichaelcooper.com