So what are some of those steps that you can take you to the next LEVEL! ARE YOU READY? 1. Prepare your to-do list the night before - Then prioritise them (Delete, Delegate, Schedule and finally DO) 2. Mind, Body Soul - 90% of super successful people practice some form of physical exercise, meditation or yoga 3. Goal setting and visualisation - Sit down and visualise the future you would like to have. The person that you want to become and the life that you want to lead 4. Gratitude and positive self-talk. - What’s the point of achieving all these goals if they don’t make you happy 5. Self-Development - Super successful people are always learning new skills, reading practical books, listen to podcasts, go to seminars 6. Network - You network determines your net worth. 7. Meetings and accountability sessions - Have a friend or mentor that you can call on each week to hold you to account