Frogs and Flies by M Network
On this episode we take a look at the M Network game Frogs and Flies, which was based on the Intellivision game Frog Bog. We also cover programmer extraordinaire Dave Rolfe for the first time, and we even read one of his interesting essays. I hope you enjoy it! Coming up next is A-VCS-tec Challenge, by Simon Quernhorst with music by Paul Slocum. If you would like to try this game out, you can get the rom at Simon's web page. Please send me your feedback for A-VCS-tec Challenge by May 30th, to Thanks so much for listening!
Van Mai story on Video Game History Foundation
Frogs and Flies on Random Terrain
Frogs and Flies on Blue Sky Rangers
Intellivision Frog Bog on Blue Sky Rangers
Willie! plays Frogs on Arcade USA
Dave Rolfe's website on Wayback Machine
Dave Rolfe interview by Valter Prette
Dave Rolfe interview by Scott Stilphen