ULP 1-09 | How much does it cost? At the market in Ukraine
Anna went to the ринок (market) in Kyiv and came back with a new dialogue! Learn and practice more numbers, “How much is it?” in Ukrainian and much more in this episode.
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In this Ukrainian Lesson you will learn and practice:
- Ukrainian numbers from 20 to 100
- how to ask about how much does it cost in Ukrainian
- some names of the vegetables in Ukrainian
- the word разом
- what is the food market in Ukraine about
Transcript, Vocabulary Lists and Bonus Materials
Become Ukrainian Lessons Premium member to help us to grow and get access to this lesson’s PDF Notes which include:
- Transcript and translation of the dialogue
- Detailed explanations of all the points
- Vocabulary list with all the words and phrases from the episode
- Bonus vocabulary list with more shopping phrases
- An exercise for practice
As a premium member you will also get smart flashcards each 10 lessons of the Podcast!