Rumors Trailer
‘Rumors’ is a brand new podcast that shines a light on the darkest corners of India, where fact and fiction combine into magical and haunting stories.
Join bestselling author and storyteller Chandrima Das as she navigates the murky worlds of myths, superstitions, and horror stories. And find out how real people, places and creatures from history have transformed into unbelievable, unexplained, and unsettling lore.
How did these stories come about? How do they shape our culture and our sense of reality? Let’s uncover the story… behind the story! New episodes every Friday.
‘Rumors’ shines a light on the darkest corners of India, where fact and fiction combine into magical and haunting stories.
Brought to you by Bound, a company that helps you grow through stories. Follow us @boundindia on all social platforms.
Written and voiced by Chandrima Das, a best-selling author, storyteller and an avid collector of dark tales. Follow her @hackiechan on all social media platforms.
Produced by Aishwarya Javalgekar
Sound design by Aditya Arya
Artwork by Artisto Designz
Disclaimer: This show is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to outrage, insult, defame, or hurt any religion or religious sentiments, beliefs, feelings of any person, entity, class or community and does not encourage or propagate any superstition, black magic and/ or witchcraft. While every effort has been made in research, we do not make any representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability or completeness of the content.