#019 | Use of Aircraft Lights | AIM 4-3-23
We are down to just 3 of us again, 18 pilots short of a hit rock/rap band, but don't get discouraged this recording turned out to be a great informative episode!
| Scott flips over airplanes with his own.
| Sunset/Sunrise vs. Evening Civil Twilight.
| Allowing others to chock your aircraft.
| When should you turn on the rotating beacon?
| Should you convert your aircraft to LED lights?
| When should you have the taxi lights on during flight?
| How far back from jet-blast should you stay?
| When should you NOT have your landing lights on?
| What are logo lights?
| Preserving the night vision of the pilots around you.
| When should you turn your strobe lights off?
Show Notes:
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