11: The great Indian rope trick: A magical history of India with John Zubrzycki

Have you ever wondered if the great Indian rope trick really existed? Could it have? On the show today is John Zubrzycki, a Sydney-based author, journalist, researcher and South-Asia specialist. His most recent book is a magical history of India, following magic from ancient religious texts to modern magician P.C. Sorcar, via colonial stories, newspaper reports, memoirs and diaries. And yes, he does give us the lowdown on that rope trick. You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook and Twitter @expresspodcasts, or send us an email at podcasts@indianexpress.com. If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on www.indianexpress.com/audio.

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