10 Reasons Why You Might Want to Keep a Tiny, Daily Habit
004: Habit Keeper Tammie Bennett talks about the 10 best reasons you might want to start a tiny, daily habit.
- You'll build your skills.
- You'll build confidence.
- You'll build your catalog of work.
- You'll establish a routine and take away the need for motivation.
- You'll have a tiny win each day no matter what else happens.
- It can cause a chain reaction and positively affect other areas of your life.
- It will help you combat perfectionism.
- You'll have more freedom to try new things.
- You are what you do. Become the thing you've wanted to be.
- You'll establish connections to others.
*Tammie also issues a tiny challenge to do while listening to this episode. Did you take her up on it?
For more information and the links mentioned in the show, visit the shownotes at
and while you're there, don't forget to download your free list of 50 ideas for starting a tiny, daily habit of your own.
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