Episode 22: Setting the Stage- How to Talk to Your Partner About Swinging
Keeping up with the Joneses Afternoon delight with good friends, Mr and Mrs Jones's reconnection time, Dan Savage's Humpfest and why you shouldn't drink beer all day before running a half-marathon. Discussion Topic We talk about when and how to talk to your partner about trying the swinging lifestyle. Snapshots Mr Jones describes watching the purple double-ended dildo disappear and Mrs Jones shares a naughty look with Mr Jones. Mentioned in this episodeDan Savage's "Humpfest"The Desire Forum That Couple Next Door podcast Contact us Mr Jones's email- mrjones@wegottathing.com Mrs Jones's email- mrsjones@wegottathing.com Twitter- @wegottathing Website- wegottathing.com Music licensed by BMI Me and Mrs Jones- Billy Paul