Jake Bernhardt Pt. 2
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex in the context of a Mormon upbringing. This week, we bring you part two of a two-part interview with Jake Bernhardt. Jake is a father of seven and in a mixed orientation marriage- he is gay and his wife is straight. In this episode we discuss his marriage and coming out story. In part one, we discussed his upbringing and childhood. Our thanks to Jake for sharing his story. If you'd like to support the podcast you can become a member of our Patreon at patreon.com/celestialsex. You'll get access to weekly episodes, member-only posts, and we'll discreetly mail you a rad Welcome Kit. You can also Venmo us a one time donation @chrisduce. Please rate and review us in the iTunes store, it helps us a lot! Also, if you'd like to reach out you can email us at celestialsexpodcast@gmail.com or call us at (YES) 6969-LDS. We are also on Twitter and Instagram @celestialsexpod To sign Sam Young's petition to stop Mormon masturbation interviews, visit https://www.gopetition.com/petitions/protect-the-children-stop-mormon-masturbation-interviews.html