Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex in the context of a Mormon upbringing. In this episode, we speak with James Curran, or JTM (formerly James The Mormon) as he is known, about his unique childhood overseas as the son of a diplomat, his struggles with the law of chastity, first sexual experiences, black identity, coming into fame, and feelings about the church's stance on LGBT issues. You can find us on Twitter and Instagram @celestialsexpod You can email us at celestialsexpodcast@gmail.com or call us at (YES) 6969-LDS. We are now on Patreon at patreon.com/celestialsex where you can become a member of our community and get access to every episode of the show, exclusive content, our Welcome Kit and more. Join today at patreon.com/celestialsex JTM can be found on Spotify, Twitter @ogjtmx or his website www.jamesthemormon.com