Jimmy Sudekum
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have open and frank discussions about sex in the context of Mormon upbringing. In this episode we speak with composer and producer Jimmy Sudekum about his Mormon childhood and his literal interpretation of the Law of Chastity. We discuss psychedelic drugs and their connection to spirituality and sexuality, atheism, and virginity. We also take a call with our guest Ash Brummer from a woman who is active in the LDS church, a virigin, and afraid of what her partners will think when she tells them she hasn't had sex. You can donate to the show on Venmo @chrisduce- those donations help us pay for hosting and our upcoming trip to Utah to do interviews. Get in touch with us! On Twitter @celestialsexpod, email celestialsexpodcast@gmail.com, and call us (YES) 6969-LDS