Natalie Neal Pt. 2
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank discussions about the ways in which we were taught about sex growing up in the Mormon faith. In this episode, we speak with Natalie Neal again in part two of our interview series with her. Chris and Natalie discuss the years that they were married to each other and how the LDS church's teachings and BYU honor code affected their early sex life. They also discuss the challenges of having sex when you are young and Mormon and inexperienced, health problems that led to uncomfortable sex, and the steps they took to improve it. They also discuss some of the issues that led them to get divorced. Natalie hosts her own podcast, Telephone, that you can download in the iTunes store. In the month of January, she explored feminism through interviews with trans women and made a film about one trans woman's experience called "Bedroom Stories" which you can download from her podcast page. You can email Celestial Sex at and donate to the show on Venmo @chrisduce Follow us on Twitter, too! @celestialsexpod