Jordan Michael Blake - 02
Welcome to Celestial Sex- an interview series hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch about sex and love through the lens of Mormon upbringing. This week we talk to Jordan Michael Blake, a filmmaker living in Los Angeles, about being a good boy, deciding not to go on a mission, early- and frankly adorable- forays into self pleasure, going to BYU then NYU, and a life changing road trip to lose his virginity. We discuss the idea that early experiences with sexual images may "burn themselves on your mind" and what that means outside of belief. We reference the article "The Naked People on Your iPod"- look it up! It's a great way to teach your kids about what to do when they encounter pornography. We also discuss the conversations Jordan had with his church leaders and parents when he was a teenager about sex, and how he dealt with shame. And how later on, he took charge of becoming the person he wants to be. Follow Jordan Michael Blake on Twitter @jblakeboogie and check out his music videos and films at Hit us up! Our email is, Our Facebook is You can donate to Celestial Sex using Venmo! Venmo @chrisduce Follow host Chris Duce on Twitter @chrisduce Follow producer Colin Hatch on Twitter @colindenfield Thanks for listening! Spread the word!