Decide What Kind of Book to Write to Grow Your Business, Get Visibility, or Spread Your Message

If you're a coach, speaker, or business owner, you probably understand how writing a book can help you grow your business.

But what kind of book should you write?

If you want to become an author to get more visibility, build credibility, create a new income stream, or lead people to your products and services, you have options.

Typically, you'll want to write one of the following:

  • memoir
  • professional memoir
  • how-to book
  • subject-matter breakdown
  • hybrid book

So how do you know which one to choose?

Answer the 3 questions in this episode and discover what kind of book you should write.

Author still equals authority. And writing a book is a great way to build your business. 

Get started by deciding what kind of book will work best for you.

Click here to schedule a call with me and find out how I can coach you to write your book with confidence and actually enjoy the process.

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