Are You Ready For The Weight Of Success?
Today's episode is a question from the audience at Prüvit's MØRE event in March of 2022. I was asked what I mean when I say that "your foundation determines your ability to hold the weight of success." I truly believe that success has weight because that weight has crushed me before. It's why I, like so many other "successful" entrepreneurs, hammer the principles of trusting the process and finding joy in the journey. Sometimes we want something so badly early on, but we're not ready. And when you're not ready, life serves you a lesson. You have to be prepared to fail because failures are your stepping stones to success. The strongest buildings have the strongest foundations. To succeed as an entrepreneur think of yourself as the building and your foundation as the experience you gain along the way. Experience that allows you the wisdom to handle the weight of success. Join me for this episode as I dive into how I built that foundation on my entrepreneurial journey. Connect with me on social @brianundy Text me! 502-221-9798