al-Mandhomah al-Bayqooniyyah - Explanation of Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhari | Abu Muadh Taqweem Aslam
Lesson 32 – Al-bayqooniyyah in the sciences of Hadith – Explanation of Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhari | Abu Muadh Taqweem Today we covered: • What is Daeef when concerning a hadith • The 3 categories of a hadith • There are many different reasons as to why the hadith could be weak (Daeef) • Examples of certain narrators that are weak o His level of memorisation • The 5 categories of the Sahih hadith • The two types of hasan Recorded at the Salafi Centre of Manchester on 09/12/17 and streamed LIVE on www.SunnahRadio.Net