When many coaches or PT’s talk about "sticking to the basics," they've usually got a list of certain exercises they're referring to and they'll often judge whether a training program is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ based on what they deem as the basics. They're basically "exercise memorizers" who put methods before principles because they got results from utilizing a certain approach, or have a dogmatic view about certain movements.
When we embrace the reality that a good training program isn't determined by the exercises it incorporates, but how training principles are used and applied, we see (unless you're competing in powerlifting or a weightlifting-oriented sport) there's no particular exercise that any athlete or gym-goer must do in order to improve. There are only training principles that must be followed, and there's a wide variety of applications and variations they can use to achieve their goals- It’s a spectrum. Not black or white, but multiple shades of gray.
There are no basic exercises, just basic principles. How I go about using and programming exercises comes down to how I apply basic principles of training – specificity, individuality, progressive overload and variation.
Tune into my full discussion with @coach_kassem to understand how to train a bit more intelligently and methodically- unless you want to spontaneously combust and earn yourself a one way ticket to snap city, otherwise, keep doing you boo boo.
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