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In this hectic world, sometimes you need something uncomplicated to make it through. ~Very~ uncomplicated. Special guest Bolu Babalola is our guide, helping us discover the wonders of Basic Baes, aka thirst objects that don't need much, yet somehow give us everything, bless them. Drake, Kofi Siriboe, Brad Pitt, Jamie Dornan...we’re looking at you, boos. DON’T @ US. We also talk about a group called the "You Thought!s" – people who make you realize that sometimes apparently basic waters run deep. As always, we have a juicy [REDACTED], and of course, Fanfic Wars. Read: Ryan Gosling Is A Star After His Time Come see us live! Thirst Aid Kit Live: The Quenchening is February 12th, 2018 at the Jerome L. Greene Space in NYC. Find tickets and information here! Do you need help figuring out your next crush? Drop us a line! Leave us a message at (765) 8-THIRST (765-884-4778) with your name and what kind of crush advice you're looking for, and maybe we'll answer your question in an upcoming Thirst Sommelier. Follow us on Twitter @ThirstAidKit. Bim is @bimadew and Nichole is @tnwhiskeywoman. Find show notes, fanfic, and more on our Tumblr. Our music is by Tanya Morgan. For your safety, we recommend that you avoid operating heavy machinery while listening to Thirst Aid Kit. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit